Thursday, September 24, 2009

September 6, 2009

September 6, 2009

The 100+ degree temperatures have forced work to shift to the slightly less hot evening and night hours. The two pallets of grancrete have arrived and are being stored in the smokehouse. Unfortunately it is simply too humid to apply it.

In the meantime, problems with the foundation on left side of the house have been found--it's crumbling and in need of being under-pinned. So this week pits were dug underneath that side of the house and the back corner all the way down to bed-rock--about 6 feet down--and concrete was placed to shore up and underpin the house. This has indeed helped to bring in the bulging side on the porch.

Unfortunately, in the process the waterline was cut, and it was discovered that the romex used to provide electricity hadn't been put into any sort of conduit, and it was for interior use, not exterior use. So that project has been added to list of things needing to be done.

The porch on the right hand side that is going to become the bathroom has been enclosed on the outside this week. Interlocking boards have been cut to match the originals and will be painted later.

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